Daria Tedeschi Adams

Former SPCO Musician

Violinist Daria T. Adams has been a member of The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra since 1987. Prior to joining the SPCO, she was a concerto soloist with the New American Chamber Orchestra, performing in the United States, Europe, and Scandinavia. An active recitalist and chamber musician, Adams has been a guest artist at the chamber music festivals of Newport, Rhode Island; Banff, Alberta, Canada; Nantucket, Massachusetts; Lyon, France and Vaasa, Finland. Since 1987, Adams has also participated in the Santa Fe Opera and Strings in the Mountains in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. With her husband, Michael, a violist with the Minnesota Orchestra, she is the founder and artistic director of Music in the Vineyards, a three-week summer chamber music festival in the Napa Valley wineries in California. Adams holds degrees from the State University of New York, Stonybrook, and the New England Conservatory.