Duncan Henry
Guest Musician

Duncan Henry is a bassoonist from Savage, Minnesota who is currently pursuing his master’s degree in bassoon performance at the University of Minnesota studying with Fei Xie. He graduated from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota in 2022 with bachelor’s degrees in both bassoon performance and computer science, having studied with Mark Kelley and Thea Groth. From 2022-2023, Duncan studied under Frank Morelli at New York’s Aaron Copland School of Music, taking the year to focus solely on bassoon playing. Since then, Duncan won the National Federation of Music Clubs’ national double reed competition, attended the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, and subbed with the Minnesota Orchestra. Duncan’s musical experiences are numerous and wide-ranging. As a bassoonist, he has transcribed and performed J.S. Bach’s second cello suite adapted for the bassoon. He has also performed in Carnegie Hall, around the Midwest and East Coast, and in Norway. As a saxophonist, he has performed jazz and pop music, including numerous original pieces and arrangements. In high school and college, he co-led a brass band that performed at venues ranging from county fairs to weddings. As a composer, he has written songs, a tone poem, and chamber works that have seen premiere.