The Singers — Minnesota Choral Artists

The Singers – Minnesota Choral Artists have shared their inspiring artistry and community impacts through remarkable performances for twenty years. Audiences have come to recognize their peerless singing, vocal flexibility between musical styles, their commitment to ensemble singing, and their willingness to sing music that speaks to a changing world.
Proud standard-bearers of the midwest choral tradition, The Singers are as comfortable singing Bach as they are Bob Dylan. The choir, under the artistic leadership of its founder Matthew Culloton, have performed four times at the famed Ravinia Festival (the summer home of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra), Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis, Ordway Performance Center in St. Paul, Chicago’s Orchestra Hall, and churches, auditoriums, and schools across the midwest. The Singers frequently collaborate with The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, where they have performed under conductors Jonathan Cohen, Jeannette Sorrell, Jory Vinikour, and Paul McCreesh. The choir has been honored to sing under other leading conductors including Craig Hella Johnson, René Clausen, and Kathy Romey.
The Singers’ discography includes their latest collection, Come to the Woods, which features works by American composer Jake Runestad, Moira Smiley, Dominick Argento, Samuel Barber, and John Corigliano. Lauridsen: Mid-winter Songs is a collection of works by one of the world’s most beloved composers, Morten Lauridsen, who is featured on the piano in collaboration with The Singers. Tonight, Eternity Alone and Splendid Jewel are collections by René Clausen and Stephen Paulus, respectively. Along with three Christmas albums, a folk song collection, and live concert recordings, The Singers also feature a concert video library on their website.
Always a distinctive element of The Singers’ concert programming is the inclusion of new music by both established and emerging composers, including nearly 100 premieres of new works by Dominick Argento, Jocelyn Hagen, Joshua Shank, Abbie Betinis, Stephen Paulus, Timothy C. Takach, Craig Carnahan, Linda Kachelmeier, Paul Rudoi, Christine Donkin, William Malpede, Dale Trumbore, AJ Harbison, Paul Winchester, Jennifer Brandon, and Tesfa Wondemagegnehu. Artistic Director and Conductor Matthew Culloton writes new holiday settings each season, and far-reaching Calls-for-Scores have brought new works from around the globe to the attention of the leadership team.
The Singers and Matthew Culloton host educational events aimed both at students and the community at large. Choral Festivals that bring together students from around the region have been held to honor Morten Lauridsen and René Clausen, and school classroom visits and masterclasses are a frequent offering. The Community Sing events have been aimed at the wider community of choral enthusiasts, and have been centered on the Justice Choir Songbook, and works by Fauré, Mozart, and John Rutter. Over the years, thousands of students and community members have taken part in these meaningful programs.
The Singers are a 40-voice professional choral ensemble based in St. Paul, Minnesota. The organization was founded in 2004 by its current Artistic Director Matthew Culloton, and is celebrated its 20th Anniversary Season in 2023-2024. The Singers deliver compelling and thought-provoking performances and educational opportunities that can bridge cultural differences and invite appreciation of the choral art. The core values that guide the organization as it brings this mission to life are Respect & Openness, Courage, Collaboration, Excellence, and Passion.
Hannah Armstrong
Paige Armstrong
Anna Brudzinksi
Diane Koschak
Erika Lantz
Krin McMillen
Susanna Mennicke
Val Peterson
Kelsey Rogers
Mackenzie Stern
Caroline Swanson
Jess Bandelin
Eva Birkholz
Laura Clapp
Becca Lewis
Jessica Lowry
Emma Nelson
Hannah Paulson
Vicki Peters
Tara Ritter
Julia Salzman
Erica Weisman
Jesse Crosby
Brent Haagenson
Will Haugen
David Lower
Calvin La Fave
John Rynders
Steve Sandberg
Ricky Satterness
Scott Senko
Phil Solyntjes
Andrew Swartchick
Nathan Ausk
Jeff Bipes
Bryan Blessing
Bruce Broquist
Timothy Bruett
Gabriel Hanson
Peter Hoffman
Andrew Klein
Stephen Lewis
Matthew Olson
Brent Rogers