Your Playlists

Create, Save, and Share Your Perfect Mix

Now you can create, save, and share your perfect mix of the music in our Listening Library. Here's how:

  1. Browse our extensive Listening Library to find the music you want to hear.
  2. Use the "Play Now" and "Add to Playlist" buttons to hear the music in the player.
    • Play Now clears the music in the player and starts over with the music you select.
    • Add to Playlist adds your selection to the end of the list.
  3. Once you have all the music you want, use the player's "Save This Playlist" button.
  4. Back in your main window, you'll be prompted to login or register for the Listening Library (if you aren't already logged in).
  5. Finally, give your playlist a name and decide whether you want other people to be able to view it. You can also change the order of the music before you save the playlist.

Ready to Start? Browse our music by composer, nationality, concert date, and more.

Your Saved Playlists

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